
Ask A Stupid Question...

So tonight, while reading blogs, I came to Bethany's Xanga and noticed that at the top of the site, instead of the normal advertisement, it said "Ask the crystal ball any question; type your question in the box and click ASK!" I was intrigued, so I tried it. I asked: "Will I marry a girl from Crusade?"

The answer came back: "Don't count on it."

I guess Crusade's not doing its job.


Idhrendur said...

You could always join such prestigious organizations as Young Women After Men (YWAM).

Whyis it that Christian organizations have a tendency to get all the young people paired off?

Narisilme said...

Sorry, man. But it works for picking up extra siblings!

Narisilme said...

On another note, you'll be proud to know I watched part of The Matrix in French the other night.