
Rolling On The FLOOR

OH my freakin' gosh, this is one of the funniest blog posts I've ever read in my entire life.

Help, I'm Going Hyper

I'm sad to say that only people who are actually Calvinists will get most of the jokes, and even I didn't get a few of them. But most people will enjoy some of them. And even good ol' DW gets his mention (#6)... ::mumbles something about a concern for social justice not equaling liberalism::

And, just to be fair and balanced--"I link, YOU decide"--there's also a similar post about the Emerging Church Movement. I know several of my readers are Calvinists, but I doubt I have any outspoken ECMers (except possibly Shiloh, but then he affiliates himself with and distances himself from both categories)...

You Might Be Emerging If...

::mumbles something about young, unseasoned, zealous Calvinists like myself being able to own iPods too::


Idhrendur said...

Wow, I caught many (if not most) of the Calvanist ones. That, is of course, thanks to your education. Hey, I might not agree, but I'm glad to be aware of where we disagree.

As for the EC ones...I don't know enough, but it does remind me of one thing. In almost any church movement, there are good and bad thngs. No matter how good or bad the movement is overall...

Narisilme said...

That is hilarious! My housemate, Jake, is an ECer if there ever was one. And he grew up in a Dutch Reformed church! So I got to show him both sites and we had a good laugh.

Jessica said...

YOU Calivinists! You guys have too much doctinal pride!! you guys should form a football team or something.

Raelynn Ann said...

Oh my goodness... i havent laughed that much all month! I got both :D hahahaaaaa! so we have shiloh and aj profiled... let me know when she takes a swing at charismatics HAHAHAHAAA! im glad you got a good laugh out of it too ;) see you soon!

Idhrendur said...

AJ...I found you a girl.